Alternatives to metal braces for adult teeth straightening

Braces tend to conjure up the image of metal train-tracks, attached to the teeth of teenagers for lengthy periods of time. At Capital Dental in Hampton, we offer a number of more discreet orthodontic options – designed to straighten adults’ teeth without a glint of metal in sight.

cosmetic-bracesHealth benefits of teeth straightening

At our Hampton dental practice, we are keen to point out that whilst many modern orthodontic appliances are referred to as “cosmetic” orthodontics or “cosmetic” braces, there are always health benefits to be gained from straightening your teeth.

To an extent, these benefits will depend on the current state of your teeth, and on the type and amount of correction that’s required. They include:

  • Straighter teeth being easier to keep clean, with fewer awkward areas where plaque can build up
  • More even distribution of the forces generated by biting and chewing, so that no teeth are put under excessive strain;
  • Reduced risk of injury or loss of front teeth through accident and injury if protrusion is rectified
  • Improvement of bruxism and headaches caused by teeth grinding if the bite is better positioned.

At our Hampton dental practice, we routinely use both fixed appliances – braces – and removable appliances – aligners – to straighten adults’ teeth. The perfect appliance for you will depend on your clinical need, combined with an element of personal preference. This will be discussed at your initial orthodontic consultation.

When you come into Capital Dental in Hampton for an orthodontic consultation, your dentist will perform a clinical examination as well as listening to your concerns about your tooth alignment. They will then talk you through the pros and cons of each appropriate treatment option, before helping you to make an informed choice.

Among the options at Capital Dental Hampton are:

Tooth coloured braces

These may be fast-acting cosmetic braces such as Cfast, or more traditional appliances such as FastBraces. Comprising tooth-coloured wires and clear ceramic brackets, these braces use the traditional mechanics of orthodontics to move your teeth.

Clear aligners

Clear aligners are removable and fit comfortably over your teeth to guide them into a new position. We offer several brands at our Hampton clinic.