Are dental implants possible if you have low bone density?

Dental implants are a 21st Century method of replacing missing teeth, providing not just an aesthetically pleasing smile, but also restoring full functionality to your jaw. At Capital Dental in Hampton, our experienced implantology team can replace one, some, or even all of your teeth with the help of implants.

dental-implantsBone grafts and sinus lifts

One of the most common side-effects of losing natural teeth is bone loss. This happens because, without the tooth roots in place, the jaw bone will start to shrink back or resorb. This can make placing dental implants more complex, but by no means impossible.

If your dentist has told you that you are unsuitable for dental implants because of low bone density, the implantology team at our Hampton practice may well still be able to help.

Our skilled implant dentist can perform an additional procedure – either a bone graft or sinus lift, depending on which jaw is affected – which is designed to rebuild the density of your jaw bone prior to implant placement. This can be carried out here at our modern Hampton dental practice, with conscious sedation available.

Bone material – your own, or from a donor source that may be human, animal, or synthetic – is used to rebuild the bone in the affected jaw. After a healing period, your dentist will then be able to place your dental implants.

Dental implants replace the root part of one or more missing teeth and are osteoconductive, meaning they support bone growth. Once your dentist has placed them a further healing period of about two months is needed to allow them time to integrate with the bone. After that, you will be called back to our Hampton clinic so that your dentist can attach your permanent new teeth to the abutments on top of the implants.