Discreet braces to straighten your teeth

Braces. What do you picture when you hear that word? At Capital Dental in Twickenham, we are keen to point out that orthodontic treatment need not necessarily involve wearing traditional metal devices. In many cases it is possible to correct the alignment of your teeth using invisible or near-invisible products.

Why straighten your teeth?

capitaldental-discreet-bracesAs well as the obvious aesthetic concerns that make many patients who visit our Twickenham practice worried about smiling in public, it is also widely acknowledged that straighter teeth are healthier teeth. This is because they are easier to clean, and there are not so many gaps or tricky areas for food particles to get trapped in and plaque bacteria to build up.

What is discreet orthodontics?

Orthodontics has seen rapid advances in recent years. Metal braces are no longer the only treatment option available. At our Twickenham dental practice, we have helped scores of patients to straighten their teeth using discreet braces or clear aligners.

Some of the most popular alternatives to metal braces at our Twickenham dental practice include. . .


Invisalign is a series of clear, removable aligners that fit over your teeth to gently guide them into a new position. They are very discreet because they are entirely clear, so are not noticeable in everyday life.

Invisalign clear aligners also have minimal impact on your lifestyle, because you can take them out for short periods to clean them, to brush your teeth, and to eat and drink.

Cfast Braces

Cfast braces use tooth-coloured wires and clear brackets to move your teeth into a new position, for maximum discretion. They are best suited to mild to moderate orthodontic problems, and work more quickly than traditional orthodontic devices because they focus on the front six teeth – those that are visible when you smile. Because they also use lighter forces than traditional orthodontic options, they are also very comfortable.