Straighter teeth without metal braces: an introduction to cosmetic orthodontics

In 2016, orthodontics doesn’t have to equate with metal braces that are painfully obvious in the mouth. At Capital Dental in Hampton, we offer a number of cosmetic orthodontic treatments designed to straighten your teeth efficiently, comfortably and, best of all, discreetly.

bracesThe benefits of cosmetic orthodontics

Although referred to as a cosmetic dental procedure, the health benefits of straightening your teeth should not be underestimated. There’s the boost to your self-esteem such treatment can provide, of course, but it’s also worth remembering that straighter teeth tend to be healthier teeth, because they are easier to keep clean. So long as you practise good oral hygiene at home and visit your dentist and hygienist as often as they recommend, straightening your teeth can reduce your risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

Teeth straightening treatment also helps to ensure the forces generated when biting and chewing food are evenly distributed in your mouth, which means there is less chance certain teeth will get prematurely worn. When you come to our Hamptondental practice for a cosmetic orthodontic consultation, these benefits will be explained to you in full.

Braces or aligners

Cosmetic orthodontics doesn’t necessarily mean doing away with braces altogether – they are, after all, often the best way to straighten teeth, giving your dentist or orthodontist maximum control over tooth movement. We used both fixed appliances (braces) and removable aligners at our Hampton clinic, and the best option in your case will depend upon your clinical need and your personal preference.

Before you panic at the word “braces”, let us reassure you. The fixed appliances used at our Hampton practice comprise clear and tooth-coloured components, which means they blend into your mouth and are not immediately noticeable.

We also offer treatment with various clear aligner systems. These fit over your teeth, are pretty much invisible in everyday life, and have the additional benefit of being removable.