Why braces no longer need to mean metal train-tracks

At Twickenham clinic Capital Dental, we use braces and aligners to straighten patients’ teeth. Before anyone panics at the “b” word, let us reassure you; modern orthodontic appliances have come a long way since the metal train-tracks of your school days. There are now many subtler ways in which your dentist can improve the alignment of your teeth.

metal-bracesTeeth straightening in Twickenham: your options

The team at Capital Dental in Twickenham understands that, for many adults, the desire for beautifully aligned teeth conflicts with no desire to wear obvious metal braces. That’s why we are pleased to offer some far more discreet alternatives – both fixed and removable appliances.

Discreet braces

In many cases, braces remain the best option to straighten teeth. They give maximum control to your dentist or orthodontist over the movement of each tooth, and can be used to correct the full spectrum of orthodontic disorders.

At our Twickenham clinic we use a number of different tooth-coloured brace systems. These braces are designed to blend in with the natural colour of your teeth, and comprise clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires.

Quick Straight Teeth is a system of cosmetic braces that work in as little as six months, focussing as they do on the teeth at the front of your mouth that show when you smile. FastBraces, meanwhile, can correct a wider range of issues and use a unique design to move the roots and crowns of the teeth together.

Clear aligners

An alternative to fixed appliances, clear aligners are custom-designed to fit over your teeth to guide them into an improved position. Aligners have next to no impact on your lifestyle, because they are barely visible to the untrained eye, and because they can be taken out for short spells.

Aligners used at our Twickenham practice include the Inman Aligner and Invisalign.