Braces for the modern age: discreet orthodontics explored

Metal braces are no longer the only option for patients who want straighter teeth. At Capital Dental in Hampton we offer a number of subtler teeth-straightening options, both fixed and removable appliances. If you missed out on orthodontic treatment as a child, or you had treatment only to experience adult relapse, we invite you to join us for an orthodontic consultation.

braces-hamptonHamptonbraces and aligners

When you come into our Hamptondental practice for a consultation, your dentist will perform an in-depth clinical examination to help determine the best course of treatment to suit your needs. Lifestyle factors will also be taken into account, because we believe that dental treatment should have minimal impact on your day-to-day life whenever possible.

Depending on what your clinical needs are, your practitioner may recommend fixed braces or removable aligners. Both have their benefits, and the pros and cons of all suitable treatments will be discussed at your initial consultation so that you can feel confident about the decision you make.

The braces we use at our Hampton practice are subtler than the conventional metal appliances most people picture when they hear the “b” word. They have been specifically designed with busy adult lifestyles in mind, and are largely unnoticeable in everyday life.

Among the discreet braces offered at our Hampton clinic are:


Cosmetic braces, designed for rapid aesthetic correction, Cfast work in as little as five months by focusing on the front teeth. They comprise tooth-coloured and clear components.


Again available with clear and tooth-coloured parts, these fixed appliances have a unique design that enables them to move the crowns and roots of the teeth together.

We also use a number of clear aligner systems at our Hampton clinic. These include the Inman Aligner, designed to quickly correct adult relapse, and Invisalign, which is capable of treating more complex orthodontic conditions.

Why braces no longer need to mean metal train-tracks

At Twickenham clinic Capital Dental, we use braces and aligners to straighten patients’ teeth. Before anyone panics at the “b” word, let us reassure you; modern orthodontic appliances have come a long way since the metal train-tracks of your school days. There are now many subtler ways in which your dentist can improve the alignment of your teeth.

metal-bracesTeeth straightening in Twickenham: your options

The team at Capital Dental in Twickenham understands that, for many adults, the desire for beautifully aligned teeth conflicts with no desire to wear obvious metal braces. That’s why we are pleased to offer some far more discreet alternatives – both fixed and removable appliances.

Discreet braces

In many cases, braces remain the best option to straighten teeth. They give maximum control to your dentist or orthodontist over the movement of each tooth, and can be used to correct the full spectrum of orthodontic disorders.

At our Twickenham clinic we use a number of different tooth-coloured brace systems. These braces are designed to blend in with the natural colour of your teeth, and comprise clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires.

Quick Straight Teeth is a system of cosmetic braces that work in as little as six months, focussing as they do on the teeth at the front of your mouth that show when you smile. FastBraces, meanwhile, can correct a wider range of issues and use a unique design to move the roots and crowns of the teeth together.

Clear aligners

An alternative to fixed appliances, clear aligners are custom-designed to fit over your teeth to guide them into an improved position. Aligners have next to no impact on your lifestyle, because they are barely visible to the untrained eye, and because they can be taken out for short spells.

Aligners used at our Twickenham practice include the Inman Aligner and Invisalign.

Cosmetic braces: the subtle way to straighter teeth

Cosmetic braces are designed to straighten your teeth not just discreetly, but also more comfortably and often more quickly than conventional orthodontic appliances. At Hampton clinic Capital Dental, we use a number of leading discreet brace brands, including Cfast and FastBraces, to straighten your teeth. We also offer treatment with clear aligners including Smile Tru, Invisalign and the Inman Aligner. All have their benefits, and these will be discussed by your dentist at your initial consultation.

Teeth straightening in Hampton

cosmetic-bracesWhen you come for an orthodontic consultation, your dentist will carefully examine your teeth and your bite – how your jaws meet each other – before discussing in detail all relevant treatment options. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about treatment, so that we can find the ideal appliance to suit both your clinical need and your lifestyle.


FastBraces can be traditional metal braces, or for maximum discretion clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires can be used. Whilst traditional orthodontic appliances move the teeth in two phases, FastBraces move both roots and crowns from day one. This speeds up your treatment time, with typical treatment lasting between three and 12 months.


One of several clear aligner systems available at our Hamptondental practice, Invisalign comprises a series of aligners that you change every two weeks as your teeth move. Because they are removable, Invisalign make maintain good dental hygiene during treatment a piece of cake.

Cfast braces

Cfast are cosmetic braces that focus on the front six teeth – those on show when you smile. Made from clear and tooth-coloured components, typical treatment time with Cfast is about six months.

Smile Tru

Smile Tru clear aligners can correct a wide range of orthodontic issues with minimal impact on your lifestyle. They are removable, meaning you can take them out for short periods to clean and to eat.

Straighter teeth without metal braces: an introduction to cosmetic orthodontics

In 2016, orthodontics doesn’t have to equate with metal braces that are painfully obvious in the mouth. At Capital Dental in Hampton, we offer a number of cosmetic orthodontic treatments designed to straighten your teeth efficiently, comfortably and, best of all, discreetly.

bracesThe benefits of cosmetic orthodontics

Although referred to as a cosmetic dental procedure, the health benefits of straightening your teeth should not be underestimated. There’s the boost to your self-esteem such treatment can provide, of course, but it’s also worth remembering that straighter teeth tend to be healthier teeth, because they are easier to keep clean. So long as you practise good oral hygiene at home and visit your dentist and hygienist as often as they recommend, straightening your teeth can reduce your risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

Teeth straightening treatment also helps to ensure the forces generated when biting and chewing food are evenly distributed in your mouth, which means there is less chance certain teeth will get prematurely worn. When you come to our Hamptondental practice for a cosmetic orthodontic consultation, these benefits will be explained to you in full.

Braces or aligners

Cosmetic orthodontics doesn’t necessarily mean doing away with braces altogether – they are, after all, often the best way to straighten teeth, giving your dentist or orthodontist maximum control over tooth movement. We used both fixed appliances (braces) and removable aligners at our Hampton clinic, and the best option in your case will depend upon your clinical need and your personal preference.

Before you panic at the word “braces”, let us reassure you. The fixed appliances used at our Hampton practice comprise clear and tooth-coloured components, which means they blend into your mouth and are not immediately noticeable.

We also offer treatment with various clear aligner systems. These fit over your teeth, are pretty much invisible in everyday life, and have the additional benefit of being removable.

Discreet braces and aligners – the modern way to straighten your teeth

If, when you hear the word “braces” you picture traditional metal orthodontic devices, you are not alone. At Twickenham dental practice Capital Dental, we are keen to point out that in the modern world there are now a number of subtler alternatives to metal train-track appliances for those on a quest for straighter teeth.

braces-hamptonWhat is discreet orthodontics?

Discreet orthodontics uses either braces or aligners to gently move your teeth into a new position. It’s a mistake to think that that these devices are only for cosmetic correction; many discreet orthodontic products can also be used for health reasons, and any teeth straightening treatment comes with health benefits, because straighter teeth are healthier teeth thanks to being easier to clean.

Aligners or braces?

When you come for a consultation at our Twickenham dental practice, your dentist will carefully examine your teeth and gums before recommending all appropriate treatment options. We have several systems of discreet braces and aligners available, and you will be briefed on the pros and cons of each appropriate treatment so that you can make an educated choice.

Among the options available at our Twickenham dental practice are:


This series of clear aligners is an alternative to braces, fitting over your teeth snugly to gently move them into a better position. Invisalign is removable, and can be used to treat a number of orthodontic issues.

Quick Straight Teeth

These cosmetic braces comprise clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires, blending into your mouth. They work on the front teeth only, meaning treatment takes between four and 24 weeks.

Cfast Clear Braces

Cfast is another brace system that utilises clear and tooth-coloured components for a high degree of discretion. It is best suited to patients who have mild to moderate aesthetic concerns about the appearance of their smile.

Discreet teeth straightening with braces or aligners: the choice is yours

Braces are a popular and efficient way to straighten teeth, but for many adults the thought of wearing an obvious orthodontic device for up to 24 months can be a significant barrier to treatment. Here at Capital Dental in Hampton, we believe that everybody deserves a beautiful smile. For that reason, we offer a number of discreet ways to straighten your teeth.

teeth-straighteningBraces versus aligners

Discreet orthodontics is one of the fastest-growing areas of 21st Century dentistry. At our Hampton practice we offer both braces and aligners as ways to straighten your teeth, without everybody having to know you are undergoing treatment. Depending on what your specific needs are, many of these devices also have significantly shorter treatment times than traditional orthodontic appliances.

When you come into our Hampton practice for a consultation, your dentist will carefully examine your teeth and will listen to what you want to achieve. Both clinical and lifestyle factors are taken into consideration when recommending aligners or braces.

Here are some of the most popular discreet orthodontic treatments at our Hampton practice:


Invisalign comprises a series of clear aligners, which are custom-made to fit your teeth and which you change regularly as your teeth start to move. As well as being clear, thus practically invisible in everyday life, Invisalign aligners are removable, which means they have minimal impact on your social life and make maintaining dental hygiene during treatment a piece of cake.


Cfast are cosmetic braces comprising clear brackets and tooth-coloured nickel-titanium wires, which blend in with the natural colour of your teeth. They are not designed for major orthodontic correction and typically work in about six months, because they focus on the front six teeth – those that show when you smile. Because Cfast use lighter forces than standard orthodontics, treatment is more comfortable, too.

Braces to straighten your teeth – in secret

What does the word “braces” conjure up in your mind? Most people will instantly picture traditional metal wire-and-bracket devices, which are a very effective treatment but can also be quite off-putting, particularly to adult patients, because they are so very obvious in their mouth. At Capital Dental in Twickenham, we offer a number of discreet alternatives – many of which enable you to straighten your teeth in secret.

bracesBraces do, in many cases, remain the best way to correct orthodontic problems. They provide your orthodontist or dentist with maximum control over the movement of your teeth.

An alternative to braces is clear aligners, which are increasing in popularity and can now be used to treat a large number orthodontic conditions. These fit over your teeth and have the added advantage of being removable, meaning that it is easier to maintain good dental hygiene during treatment.

If you come into our Twickenham practice for orthodontic treatment, here are some of the discreet products you may be offered. . .

C-fast braces

C-fast are tooth-coloured fixed appliances which have been designed to correct mild cosmetic problems. They work in an average of just five months, and achieve such quick results because they only focus on the “social six” teeth – those that are on show when you smile. They are not meant for major orthodontic correction.

Quick Straight Teeth

Quick Straight Teeth are clear braces that also have a very fast treatment time. Treatment again focuses on the front six to eight teeth, and treatment is amazingly fast – typically taking between just four and 24 weeks.


Invisalign is a series of clear, removable aligners. They are one of the most popular options at our Twickenham practice, and it’s not hard to see why. They can correct a number of orthodontic issues and, because they are removable, have minimal impact on your lifestyle.

How to get the benefits of braces without the mouth of metal

Many adults put off seeking orthodontic treatment because they think metal braces are the only option available. At Capital Dental in Hampton, we understand that whilst traditional orthodontic devices offer treatment that is both reliable and predictable, they are not particularly compatible with busy adult lifestyles. That’s why we offer a number of discreet orthodontic options for patients who want straighter teeth.

What is discreet orthodontics?

bracesDiscreet orthodontics involves using either tooth-coloured braces or clear aligners to guide your teeth into a new position. The best treatment option for you will depend on the type and amount of correction needed, and we will also take lifestyle factors into account when recommending treatment.

If you are interested in discreet braces or aligners, you should book an orthodontic consultation at our Hampton dental practice.

What are my treatment options?

As previously mentioned, your treatment options will depend on the type and amount of orthodontic correction required. When you come for your initial consultation at our Hampton clinic, your dentist will carefully examine your teeth and will then run through all appropriate options with you.

Among the most popular options at our Hampton practice are:

Cfast Clear Braces

These braces are nearly invisible, because they comprise tooth-coloured wires and clear brackets, so they blend in well with the natural colour of your teeth. Their unique design makes them more comfortable than standard braces, and they are best suited to mild to moderate aesthetic concerns, because they focus on the teeth that show when you smile.

Quick Straight Teeth

Quick Straight Teeth also uses clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires to move your teeth into a new position. These braces are primarily suited to mild to moderate aesthetic concerns, concentrating on the front six-eight teeth.


Invisalign clear aligners can correct a wide range of orthodontic problems. They are removable and highly discreet, and you will need a series of aligners to complete treatment.

Discreet braces to straighten your teeth

Braces. What do you picture when you hear that word? At Capital Dental in Twickenham, we are keen to point out that orthodontic treatment need not necessarily involve wearing traditional metal devices. In many cases it is possible to correct the alignment of your teeth using invisible or near-invisible products.

Why straighten your teeth?

capitaldental-discreet-bracesAs well as the obvious aesthetic concerns that make many patients who visit our Twickenham practice worried about smiling in public, it is also widely acknowledged that straighter teeth are healthier teeth. This is because they are easier to clean, and there are not so many gaps or tricky areas for food particles to get trapped in and plaque bacteria to build up.

What is discreet orthodontics?

Orthodontics has seen rapid advances in recent years. Metal braces are no longer the only treatment option available. At our Twickenham dental practice, we have helped scores of patients to straighten their teeth using discreet braces or clear aligners.

Some of the most popular alternatives to metal braces at our Twickenham dental practice include. . .


Invisalign is a series of clear, removable aligners that fit over your teeth to gently guide them into a new position. They are very discreet because they are entirely clear, so are not noticeable in everyday life.

Invisalign clear aligners also have minimal impact on your lifestyle, because you can take them out for short periods to clean them, to brush your teeth, and to eat and drink.

Cfast Braces

Cfast braces use tooth-coloured wires and clear brackets to move your teeth into a new position, for maximum discretion. They are best suited to mild to moderate orthodontic problems, and work more quickly than traditional orthodontic devices because they focus on the front six teeth – those that are visible when you smile. Because they also use lighter forces than traditional orthodontic options, they are also very comfortable.